Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cece Frey (Again!) & Disappointed in Demi

All of the Young Adults


I didn't get to see the end of The X Factor last Thursday due to the scheduling f*** up, but last night I got to see the rest of Demi's decisions and Simon's. I was most excited for Demi's decisions because - you should know, if you read my last post on Cece Frey - I absolutely love Demi. She is my idol and I think she has the best voice in the music industry at the moment. That being said, I was extremely disappointed in Demi's decisions. I think this is the most I've ever been disappointed in her since her breakdown.

Let's just go through her decisions one by one and I'll tell you how I felt about them.
Jennel Garcia performing for Demi Lovato

Jennel Garcia - I don't believe that this girl has what it takes to win. I'm sorry, but I wasn't blown away by her at all. That being said, I do think that she deserved to go through to the live shows compared to all the rest of the young adults. Even though she's not good enough to be a star, she was better than some of the other competitors. So, I agree with Demi on this decision.
Willie Jones performing for Demi Lovato

Willie Jones - No. Just, no. Okay, so he's not like any of the other competitors. He has a unique voice in that he can hit really low notes, just like Josh Turner. But that's all he has going for him. His regular singing voice is not enough to keep him in this competition, let alone win. He shouldn't have gotten through Boot Camp. That's all I'm saying.
Nick Youngerman performing for Demi Lovato

Nick Youngerman - Hehe. Wow. I had no idea who this dude was when he was announced as being one of the final six in the young adults category. If they'd showed him before, I didn't remember that at all. So I had an open mind about him at the beginning of the first judges house episode. But as soon as this dude started - hmm - "rapping", I started laughing. No way he should've even made it as far as he did. I get it, they need to have a little variety, but come on. The talent on this show is horrible! Kick him out ASAP. I agree with Demi's decision on this one.
Paige Thomas performing for Demi Lovato

Paige Thomas - I loved this chick from minute one. I agree with everyone else when they say that she has gone downhill, but that's just her nerves getting in the way. They've paired her up with Cece every chance they got and it ruined her. And I totally get that because Cece is the bitch, queen-bee type that no girl wants to mess with. There was a lot of pressure on Paige even before they started comparing her with Cece, so of course she is going to be a little nervous and mess up sometimes. But that still doesn't mean that you can say that Paige doesn't have the talent. This is a woman who could win the competition. She has real talent and I would buy her album if she won. I agree with Demi's decision.
Jillian Jensen performing for Demi Lovato

Jillian Jensen - Nooooo!!! This is the decision that I...well, second-most disagreed with (if that even makes sense). Jillian was the one competitor that I was 100% sure would make it to the live shows. I honestly have no idea why Demi sent her home. It makes no sense. The only thing that I can think of is that the producers or someone else is behind it. Of course there are people behind the show who choose who stays and goes not just because of talent, but because of their story and what they bring to the show. But casting out talent like this is idiotic. This girl could've been a superstar - someone like Demi who young girls could relate to. A good role model. But, no. When given the choice between Jillian - the sweet, talented girl with a good heart - and Cece - the bitch who'll bring drama to the competition - they would choose the bitch. I definitely don't agree with Demi's decision.
Cece Frey performing for Demi Lovato

Cece Frey - Oh, f*** no. If you've read my other post on Cece (or just from reading above), you know that I totally hate her. She has no talent. Well, alright, the bitch can hit the high notes, but she can't sing regularly. She's the opposite of Willie Jones. I've said it before and I will say it again: a professional singer is someone who can sing at all levels, 99.9% of the time. This chick can't. She shouldn't be allowed to be in this competition. But, no, because she will talk s*** about the other contestants and stir up drama, they keep her. It makes no sense. This is why I never watched shows like this before: because I knew that they did s*** like this and it really pisses me off. The only reason why I'm watching this season is because of Demi, but her decisions are...disappointing me. I thought that she - out of all of them - would look at what matters: talent. Ugh. So, I don't agree with her decision to let this crappy, no-talent, bad-attitude, bitch through to the live shows.

I'll probably be posting a blog each week (possibly two, depending on what happens) about this show for however much longer I keep watching it. I honestly don't know how long I'll be able to stand it. Most of my blogs will probably be about Cece, sadly. I wish that I could find another way to get rid of all this annoyance at this bitch so that I wouldn't be giving her free publicity (even if it is bad), but I think this is the only way I can healthily do it.
So be prepared for more blogs, my fellow internet-users.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Angelina Pivarnick's Anti-Gay Tirade

What. A. Bitch!!!

I came home from school today (college, for those of you who don't know) and an old episode of "Jersey Shore" was on. The episode happened to be the one where Angelina leaves the show - the first time, that is. I have hated this chick from the first time she appeared on the show just because she seemed...cocky. In some people, cockiness can be sexy, but there is absolutely nothing sexy about this bitch. I mean, look at the picture above. Ew, right?

Anyways, while watching the episode, I wondered what Angelina had been up to since she left the shore, so I decided to look her up. When I did, I came across an article about her going on an "anti-gay tirade". This definitely got my attention because not only did it sound like something she would do (because she's a bitch and likes to hate on people), but I am for any type of LGBT marriages. I'm not going to write down everything she said, but if you want to check it out, I'll leave the link below.

Basically, she was on a site where you get to make your own debate topics and debate with someone over the internet using video chat. People get to watch your debate and comment on which side they agree with. I don't know everything about this site, only what I saw from the article and the website. You may want to go check it out because it looks pretty cool. The site is mentioned in the link above.

This debate was, from what I could tell, in a part of the site where celebrities can debate with each other. She was debating with Adam Barta, an actor, musician, and singer-songwriter who happens to be gay. He opened the debate, stating that he thought gay people should be allowed to get married because of legal issues. He said that religion really has nothing to do with gay marriage. He, being a gay man, would like to marry the person he loves just like everyone else gets to. He wants this for many different reasons, all of which are perfectly reasonable to me: because he loves this person and that's what you typically do when you love someone, because he wants to be considered a family with that person, because his rights as an American should allow him to marry whomever he wants, and because of taxes. Everyone knows that when you marry a person, you share your money with them. That means that you list them on your taxes as your spouse. Gay people cannot do that right now because our government is a tyranny and they say that if you are gay you cannot get married and, therefore, do not have a (legal) spouse. Sounds perfectly reasonable if you are an open-minded person, right? Well...

Angelina Pivarnick was on the other side of this debate. Her argument was seriously dumb and she should be embarrassed. She says that she doesn't think gay people should have the right to get married because - and this is just her main reason - she doesn't think gay people should get married. Stupid, right? Angelina is Catholic and was brought up to believe that God has forbidden people from being gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, or transgender. She says repeatedly throughout her debate that she doesn't see how taxes have anything to do with gay people getting married. I guess she's just too dumb to realize that that is only one issue with gay marriage. She also states that she doesn't think gay people should have the right to get married because she doesn't want a girl going down on her. What does that have to do with anything?

Go check out the video in the article if you'd like to hear more of her stupid rant.

I'm writing about this because it pisses me off on a few different levels. The first would be the fact that gay people can't get married. That is just plain dumb. Why can't they get married? How are they any different from the rest of us? So they don't like people with the opposite gender parts... Who gives a fuck? It's their sex and love life, not ours. Let them do what they want with their lives. Let me point out right here that I am not gay. I'm not saying that to mean anything bad by it - believe me, a lot of people could twist my words around and make me sound like I'm trying to say something bad about being gay. I'm only stating that so that people will know what my sexual orientation is. I am a straight woman and I don't see anything wrong with gay people getting married. In fact, I think that they should be allowed to have a happy, fulfilling life with their partner - a happy, fulfilling, married life with their partner. What harm is it doing to other people? None. So back the fuck off and let them get married. End of discussion.

My second issue with this debate is the whole religion issue. If we aren't letting gay people get married because of a religion issue, then why aren't we letting kids pray in school? Why is there a separation of church and state if we're using religion to justify not letting gay people get married? That's just stupid. I don't believe in "God". I believe that we are all connected by each other, not by some magical dude in the sky who tells us what we can and cannot do. I believe that we make our choices and live our own lives, not that we obey a man in the sky who claims that he loves us unconditionally, but if we have sex before marriage then we are going to hell, no questions asked. Everyone always talks about how much God loves you, but how is it that someone can love you while sending you into a pit of eternal fire at the same time? Impossible. Also, why would God tell us we can't have sex before marriage when it's in our nature to do so? Why would he tell us that gay people are an abomination when he made them like that in the first place? It makes no sense. Keep an open mind here and just think about it for a second. If you have an opinion you would like to share with me, just leave it in a comment and I'll reply. I'd love to hear some answers on that.

My third issue with this debate is just the fact that this girl is so damn stupid. You can tell from the beginning of the video that she's a fucking bitch because she's talking about all her friends and family who are gay, that she still loves them but would deny them the right to get married just because she doesn't think they should be allowed to. Why would anyone condemn their loved ones to lives of misery just because of what they believe? Okay, if it was a serious topic, I might be a little more open-minded, but gay marriage? WHAT IS WRONG WITH GAY MARRIAGE?? Please, someone, tell me why this is such a big deal!!!

Anyways, I feel a lot better now that I've ranted. Someone please kick this girl in the head and give her some damned sense. Kim Kardashian of Stanton Island, my ass. More like dirty ass skank of Stanton Island.

Feel free to comment!

UPDATE: I just realized that I never put the link for the video or article up. Oops! So, I looked up the whole ordeal again on Google and found a new article that has been written and one I think is much more interesting than the other article. Apparently, JWoww spoke out against Angelina on Twitter. And she said some hilarious stuff to that bitch! Go JWoww! I knew I loved that chick. Check it out here:
Angelina's debate; JWoww Slams that Bitch!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cece Frey

So, the girl pictured above - and yes, I call her a girl because she acts like one - is Cece Frey. A lot of you probably have no idea who this girl is and that's understandable because, as of right now (and hopefully forever), she is a nobody. Cece is currently in The X Factor competition. I am currently watching The X Factor because Demi Lovato - the absolute best singer out there right now - is a judge. Last year, I watched a couple of episodes because my parents were always talking about the show, but I wasn't really into it. Mostly because of that stupid little girl, Rachel Crow. But this rant isn't about her (although another post might come up later about her).

Okay, so first of all, I want to say that the talent in The X Factor this year is a lot worse than the talent from last year. If you haven't noticed by now, I'm a little more brutally honest than Simon is and my view on talent is pickier. I think that may be because I'm only looking at talent and not the commercial aspect of a person. Yes, there are a few stars in this year's competition. Take Carly Rose Sonenclar, for instance. There is no doubt in my mind that that girl is going to be a star one day. Check her out below.

Now, onto my first business: Cece Frey. The first time I saw her on the show, I automatically knew this chick was way too confident and a total bitch. That's just her attitude. That made me not even want to like her. Then there's her "talent". She first started singing Unchained Melody. It was horrible. Even the judges didn't know what happened. So they asked her to sing another song. Cece then started singing Ain't No Other Man by Christina Aguilera. I'll admit that she did sound alright singing that song. If you want to hear her audition, click the link below.

So, I decided that I would keep an open mind about this girl until I heard her again. Well, tonight was the first episode of bootcamp. If you don't watch the show, I'll tell you how things go down in bootcamp. Last year, they got all the contestants in groups of ten and lined them up on the stage. One by one, they would sing a song they'd been practicing for the judges. Then, the judges eliminated 36 contestants. The rest would go through group performances and then more would be eliminated. This year, they got all the contestants on the stage and each of them stood up and sang their song. Cece and another girl - Paige Thomas, who has a ton of talent, if you ask me - both chose I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston to sing for the judges. They didn't know that they had both chosen this song. Paige got to go before Cece, and you could tell that Cece was pissed when Paige announced that she would be singing Whitney's song. Paige did really well.

Then it was Cece's turn. Cece blew everyone away with her rendition. Click below for their performances.

Here's what bothered me about it, though: Cece only sounds good when singing high notes. She can hit them and stay strong throughout them. But she is competing to be a professional singer. I have always said and always will say that a professional singer needs to sound good 99.9% of the time. The .01% of the time when they don't sound good should be because of illness. Cece does not sound good when she is singing normally. How do you expect to make an album when you only sound good singing high notes? You won't make it in today's music industry because all you'd be able to sing is opera. Paige may not have been as strong as Cece, but she has more talent than Cece does because Paige can at least sing normally.
They both made it through to the next round of bootcamp, but I'm seriously hoping that Cece does not make it to the live shows. I hope that they give her a song that isn't completely high notes and she blows it. The girl is a bitch and she can't make it as a professional singer. If anyone out there likes her, they're crazy.
I guess that's it for my rant. For now. Because who knows how far she'll go? And if she does make it to she live shows, you can bet there'll be another blog up here about her.