Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cece Frey

So, the girl pictured above - and yes, I call her a girl because she acts like one - is Cece Frey. A lot of you probably have no idea who this girl is and that's understandable because, as of right now (and hopefully forever), she is a nobody. Cece is currently in The X Factor competition. I am currently watching The X Factor because Demi Lovato - the absolute best singer out there right now - is a judge. Last year, I watched a couple of episodes because my parents were always talking about the show, but I wasn't really into it. Mostly because of that stupid little girl, Rachel Crow. But this rant isn't about her (although another post might come up later about her).

Okay, so first of all, I want to say that the talent in The X Factor this year is a lot worse than the talent from last year. If you haven't noticed by now, I'm a little more brutally honest than Simon is and my view on talent is pickier. I think that may be because I'm only looking at talent and not the commercial aspect of a person. Yes, there are a few stars in this year's competition. Take Carly Rose Sonenclar, for instance. There is no doubt in my mind that that girl is going to be a star one day. Check her out below.

Now, onto my first business: Cece Frey. The first time I saw her on the show, I automatically knew this chick was way too confident and a total bitch. That's just her attitude. That made me not even want to like her. Then there's her "talent". She first started singing Unchained Melody. It was horrible. Even the judges didn't know what happened. So they asked her to sing another song. Cece then started singing Ain't No Other Man by Christina Aguilera. I'll admit that she did sound alright singing that song. If you want to hear her audition, click the link below.

So, I decided that I would keep an open mind about this girl until I heard her again. Well, tonight was the first episode of bootcamp. If you don't watch the show, I'll tell you how things go down in bootcamp. Last year, they got all the contestants in groups of ten and lined them up on the stage. One by one, they would sing a song they'd been practicing for the judges. Then, the judges eliminated 36 contestants. The rest would go through group performances and then more would be eliminated. This year, they got all the contestants on the stage and each of them stood up and sang their song. Cece and another girl - Paige Thomas, who has a ton of talent, if you ask me - both chose I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston to sing for the judges. They didn't know that they had both chosen this song. Paige got to go before Cece, and you could tell that Cece was pissed when Paige announced that she would be singing Whitney's song. Paige did really well.

Then it was Cece's turn. Cece blew everyone away with her rendition. Click below for their performances.

Here's what bothered me about it, though: Cece only sounds good when singing high notes. She can hit them and stay strong throughout them. But she is competing to be a professional singer. I have always said and always will say that a professional singer needs to sound good 99.9% of the time. The .01% of the time when they don't sound good should be because of illness. Cece does not sound good when she is singing normally. How do you expect to make an album when you only sound good singing high notes? You won't make it in today's music industry because all you'd be able to sing is opera. Paige may not have been as strong as Cece, but she has more talent than Cece does because Paige can at least sing normally.
They both made it through to the next round of bootcamp, but I'm seriously hoping that Cece does not make it to the live shows. I hope that they give her a song that isn't completely high notes and she blows it. The girl is a bitch and she can't make it as a professional singer. If anyone out there likes her, they're crazy.
I guess that's it for my rant. For now. Because who knows how far she'll go? And if she does make it to she live shows, you can bet there'll be another blog up here about her.

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