Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cece Frey (Again!) & Disappointed in Demi

All of the Young Adults


I didn't get to see the end of The X Factor last Thursday due to the scheduling f*** up, but last night I got to see the rest of Demi's decisions and Simon's. I was most excited for Demi's decisions because - you should know, if you read my last post on Cece Frey - I absolutely love Demi. She is my idol and I think she has the best voice in the music industry at the moment. That being said, I was extremely disappointed in Demi's decisions. I think this is the most I've ever been disappointed in her since her breakdown.

Let's just go through her decisions one by one and I'll tell you how I felt about them.
Jennel Garcia performing for Demi Lovato

Jennel Garcia - I don't believe that this girl has what it takes to win. I'm sorry, but I wasn't blown away by her at all. That being said, I do think that she deserved to go through to the live shows compared to all the rest of the young adults. Even though she's not good enough to be a star, she was better than some of the other competitors. So, I agree with Demi on this decision.
Willie Jones performing for Demi Lovato

Willie Jones - No. Just, no. Okay, so he's not like any of the other competitors. He has a unique voice in that he can hit really low notes, just like Josh Turner. But that's all he has going for him. His regular singing voice is not enough to keep him in this competition, let alone win. He shouldn't have gotten through Boot Camp. That's all I'm saying.
Nick Youngerman performing for Demi Lovato

Nick Youngerman - Hehe. Wow. I had no idea who this dude was when he was announced as being one of the final six in the young adults category. If they'd showed him before, I didn't remember that at all. So I had an open mind about him at the beginning of the first judges house episode. But as soon as this dude started - hmm - "rapping", I started laughing. No way he should've even made it as far as he did. I get it, they need to have a little variety, but come on. The talent on this show is horrible! Kick him out ASAP. I agree with Demi's decision on this one.
Paige Thomas performing for Demi Lovato

Paige Thomas - I loved this chick from minute one. I agree with everyone else when they say that she has gone downhill, but that's just her nerves getting in the way. They've paired her up with Cece every chance they got and it ruined her. And I totally get that because Cece is the bitch, queen-bee type that no girl wants to mess with. There was a lot of pressure on Paige even before they started comparing her with Cece, so of course she is going to be a little nervous and mess up sometimes. But that still doesn't mean that you can say that Paige doesn't have the talent. This is a woman who could win the competition. She has real talent and I would buy her album if she won. I agree with Demi's decision.
Jillian Jensen performing for Demi Lovato

Jillian Jensen - Nooooo!!! This is the decision that I...well, second-most disagreed with (if that even makes sense). Jillian was the one competitor that I was 100% sure would make it to the live shows. I honestly have no idea why Demi sent her home. It makes no sense. The only thing that I can think of is that the producers or someone else is behind it. Of course there are people behind the show who choose who stays and goes not just because of talent, but because of their story and what they bring to the show. But casting out talent like this is idiotic. This girl could've been a superstar - someone like Demi who young girls could relate to. A good role model. But, no. When given the choice between Jillian - the sweet, talented girl with a good heart - and Cece - the bitch who'll bring drama to the competition - they would choose the bitch. I definitely don't agree with Demi's decision.
Cece Frey performing for Demi Lovato

Cece Frey - Oh, f*** no. If you've read my other post on Cece (or just from reading above), you know that I totally hate her. She has no talent. Well, alright, the bitch can hit the high notes, but she can't sing regularly. She's the opposite of Willie Jones. I've said it before and I will say it again: a professional singer is someone who can sing at all levels, 99.9% of the time. This chick can't. She shouldn't be allowed to be in this competition. But, no, because she will talk s*** about the other contestants and stir up drama, they keep her. It makes no sense. This is why I never watched shows like this before: because I knew that they did s*** like this and it really pisses me off. The only reason why I'm watching this season is because of Demi, but her decisions are...disappointing me. I thought that she - out of all of them - would look at what matters: talent. Ugh. So, I don't agree with her decision to let this crappy, no-talent, bad-attitude, bitch through to the live shows.

I'll probably be posting a blog each week (possibly two, depending on what happens) about this show for however much longer I keep watching it. I honestly don't know how long I'll be able to stand it. Most of my blogs will probably be about Cece, sadly. I wish that I could find another way to get rid of all this annoyance at this bitch so that I wouldn't be giving her free publicity (even if it is bad), but I think this is the only way I can healthily do it.
So be prepared for more blogs, my fellow internet-users.


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