Friday, November 23, 2012

Cece F***ing Frey (Surprised?) And Others

Best. Picture. Ever.
So, last week these were our rankings:
  1. Tate Stevens
  2. Carly Rose Sonenclar
  3. Vino Alan
  4. Emblem3
  5. Cece Frey (Are you freaking kidding me? They messed with the votes.)
  6. Fifth Harmony
  7. Diamond White
  8. Beatrice Miller
  9. Arin Ray
  10. Paige Thomas
Just wanted to put that in there for a refresher. This post will mainly be a refresher - with my comments, of course - and then I will get to my rant at the bottom. ;)
Wednesday night, the contestants all sung a song to someone that they wanted to thank for Thanksgiving - meaning that they all played up some of their hardships so that they would get more votes. The night started off with Tate Stevens - how does that guy keep getting the number one slot? I mean, why does everyone want a guy who sounds like twenty other country artists to win $5 million so that he can make an album that sounds like every other male country star album? - singing I'm Already There for his dad. He sang it to his dad because his dad is apparently the one who taught him all about music and how to be a good husband and father while still trying to go after his dreams. Here's the performance:
You might have already realized this from my comment above, but I really don't think this guy should win. Don't get me wrong, I think he's talented. His voice is lovely and he could make it as a country singer. That's exactly my point. This man will no doubt be a star no matter what happens in the competition, which is why he should drop out and do it himself. Let someone who really needs this competition to get out there win it. But I'm sure there are people out there who would disagree with me and he would, too. Just think about it for a little while. He does sound like every other male country artist out there, does he not?

Next up was Diamond White singing Because You Love Me for her mother. She sang this for her mother because her mother was the only parent who was ever there for her. Her father walked out on her when she was young and she didn't realize until she was a little older that her father wouldn't be coming back. So she wanted to let her mother know that she loved her very much. Here's the performance:

Honestly, I thought that this was the best performance Diamond has ever given. I was very moved by the emotion that came from her. Before this performance, I didn't like Diamond and didn't think she should even be in the competition - I knew that she could sing, I just didn't like her voice personally. Her mother was and should be very proud of the performance her daughter gave that night. It was amazing. Good job.

Next up to the plate was Emblem3 singing Secrets to their youth leaders. They sang this song to their youth leaders because these people helped to turn their lives around. The youth leaders are associated with charities and are good people. They really helped these boys out in difficult times, so the Emblem3 wanted to show their thanks. Here's the performance:

I've never really liked Emblem3 to begin with, so it's no surprise that I wasn't blown away by their performance. I wouldn't listen to their music if they won and I don't think they're "hot". I also didn't see a correlation between the song they were singing, the people they were singing it to, and why they were singing it. It doesn't really show thanks or symbolize their bond, so that's confusing. I think Simon messed up on this one. But it wasn't a horrible performance either. I know some people who would definitely go to one of their shows if they made it. Just saying.

Next up was Arin Ray singing Hero for his big brother. He sang this song for his big brother because their parents got divorced when Arin was little and his big brother stepped up and became the "man" of the house. Arin is very thankful for his brother because his brother was the only one who kept him together when the divorce happened. Here's the performance:

I thought that Arin's performance was alright. It wasn't the best in the world and it wasn't the worst. Honestly, I really don't have an opinion either way on Arin. He seems like an alright kid, but his voice is just so...typical for today's music. A lot of guys in the pop genre sound like him and I think we have enough of them right now. We're ready for something different. We need someone with a unique voice, and Arin is not that person.

Cece Frey took the stage next, singing Wind Beneath My Wings for her late older sister Kelsey. She sang this song for her older sister because she feels like her sister has always been up in heaven protecting her. Her story was very sad and I did feel bad for her. Here's the performance:

I am going to comment and then list places in the video I wish you would pay attention to please. This performance was horrible. Absolutely. Horrible. I know that she was performing it for her late sister and she was emotional and all, but that is no excuse for how horrible she sounded Wednesday. She was even worse than Paige - and that is evident in the results of the votes. If you notice, L.A. never said that she did well. He said that he felt that the emotion in the song was real - and it was - but he never said anything about her voice. Britney said that it was really hard to critique someone who is pouring their heart out and that she thought that Cece was amazing. T_T Simon also said nothing about her voice. He said that is was amazing that she was even able to sing after the video that they played about her sister and that she is a "trier". He said he hopes that America keeps her in the competition. And Demi doesn't count because she's Cece's mentor. Well, you all know what I think. It was...disgusting. Oh, and keep in mind with the list that I have said over and over that Cece sounds great when she's singing high notes, but that's all she CAN sing. If she's singing, uh, excuse me, "singing" any other type of note, she sounds horrible. Also, if there is a word in quotation marks, that means listen to that particular word. So keep that in mind when looking at the list.
Here's the list:
  1. :11 - :13 Low note sounds horrible.
  2. :19 - :20 Same as above.
  3. :27 - :28 "let".
  4. :43 - :44 "you".
  5. 1:19 - 1:21 "did I ever"
  6. 1:25 - 1:27 The end of "hero"
  7. 1:47 - 1:53 "you are the wind beneath my wings"
A group stepped up on the stage next: Fifth Harmony. They sang I'll Stand By You for God. They mostly sang their song to God because he's who got them where they are, but also because one of the girls was premature and it was a miracle that she even survived. Here's the performance:

This wasn't Fifth Harmony's best performance in my opinion, but they still did a pretty good job. This group is a lot like Arin for me, I don't really lean one way or the other with them. I think there was one week when I really liked their performance and wanted them to stay, but other than that, whatever.

Next was Beatrice Miller singing Chasing Cars for her two sisters. She sang this song for her sisters because they have always been there for her and she loves them so much. She also knows that they have been through a lot. In my opinion, she's being a really great big sister. Here's the performance:

I've loved Beatrice ever since I first heard her voice. She has a really unique voice that I think would be refreshing. Her performance was wonderful. The emotion she showed for her age was spectacular, and I really love that she sang a song that meant something to her and her sisters. Great job, Beatrice.

The second-best singer on this show was up next: Vino Alan. He sang I'm Proud To Be An American for the troops because they risk their lives for us each and every day and he would like to show them that he is thankful for that. Here's the performance:

Wonderful performance, as always. Vino rocked it. He rocked a patriotic song, which I didn't think was possible, so hats off to Vino. This guy has so much talent it's not even funny. Even if he doesn't win, he should get a record deal because I bet a lot of people would pay for his album(s). I loved it.

Next up was the beautiful Paige Thomas singing Everytime to her adoptive mother Colleen because she took her in when she didn't have anywhere else to go. Colleen has helped Paige with Jade (Paige's daughter) without ever threatening to kick her out like horrible mothers would and taught Paige how to be a good mother to Jade. Here's the performance:

This definitely wasn't Paige's best performance, but I believe her when she says that she wasn't doing it to show her vocal ability; she was doing it to say thank you to her mom. I've liked Paige ever since the beginning of the show when she first auditioned (and she was the first person to audition, just in case you didn't know), but I'm honestly not sure how far she'll get in the competition. I don't think she'll win, but I think that this competition might help her in the music industry because people really do like her a lot. But, anyway, not her best performance.

And last, but definitely - def. in. itely. - not least, Carly Rose Sonenclar singing Somewhere Over The Rainbow for her big brother. She sang this song for him because he has always been there for her and this was explained with a story that Carly and her parents told on the show: Carly and her mom were traveling together one day when Carly was 10. They were in a room (hotel room, I'm guessing?) when her mom's speech started to slur before she dropped to the floor. Carly's mother had just had a severe stroke. Carly called 911, who got an ambulance to come and get her mother. Carly was left alone in the room. She called her dad, but, ultimately, it was her brother who calmed her down and helped her through the situation. Here's the performance:
There are no words to describe this little girl's voice. She doesn't sound like a little girl when she sings. If America is smart, this girl will win the competition and not Tate. The two - stop. Rewind. TWO! - high notes she hit at the end of this song made the hair all over my body stand up. She's absolutely amazing. I can't believe how talented she is.
So, there's the performances. Now, time for the eliminations, the scoreboard, and then my rant.
There were two eliminations last night. The first one was made almost at the beginning of the show (BTW, was anyone else pissed off that a football game delayed the show?) and that was Arin Ray. I can't really say that I'm sorry to see him go. Then they had some other performances before announcing who was safe and who would be singing to stay in the competition. It came down to Beatrice Miller and Cece Frey.
The first to sing was Cece. She sang Because of You, which was horrible. Look below.
Of course she would pick something with a shitload of high notes in it, right? Are you starting to see that I'm right about her only sounding good on the high notes? In any case, she sucked, like always.
Next was Beatrice, who, bless her heart, was trying to keep it together the entire time she was singing. She sang White Flag. Look Below.
She sounded fantastic even though she was trying not to cry the entire time. No, her song didn't have any super high notes in it, but the entire thing was saying, "hey, I'm not backing down". She sounded way better than Cece, which is why it pissed me off when Beatrice got eliminated instead of Cece. Stupid fucking L.A. He really pisses me off sometimes and I hope he feels like a dick for making her cry like that.
Now, there is a silver lining for this week and you will see that below. If you don't get it, I'll mention it below the scoreboard for the top 8.
  1. Carly Rose Sonenclar
  2. Tate Stevens
  3. Vino Alan
  4. Emblem3
  5. Diamond White
  6. Paige Thomas
  7. Fifth Harmony
  8. Cece Frey
Did you get it? Well, it's that Carly got the number one spot!!! Yay!!!
All in all, I am really, really pissed off because Cece is still in the competition. I seriously hate her. Every time she makes it through, I throw something. I don't get how people can't see that she can't sing. Her voice is iffy at best. I'm especially disappointed in Demi. She's my idol. I only started watching this show because she's a judge this year, but I think that was a mistake. It's too late to back out now, though. I just... I get that Demi has to back Cece up because she's her mentor, but Demi could've booted her out back in the judges' homes episode when they had to pick four people to take to the live shows. She should've brought Jillian instead of Cece. And Demi has been...well, let's just say that I haven't agreed with most of the things she's said about the contestants.
Well, that's enough for tonight. Let me know what you think. And if this is your first time visiting my blog, make sure to look at some of the previous posts because there are a few X Factor posts in there you might be interested in. Thanks for your time.

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