Thursday, December 15, 2011

Miley Cyrus is no role model...

So, we all know Miley Cyrus. Her father is Billy Ray Cyrus, famous for his mullet and song, "Achey Breaky Heart". If it weren't for him, we would never know of Miley Cyrus, in my opinion. She doesn't have the talent to become famous on her own. I will admit to being a Hannah Montana fan in the beginning. When the show first came out, I liked the whole plot of a girl who has another identity that allows her to be famous and unknown at the same time. I watched it, I liked the songs, but at the same time I was always saying, "How can no one tell that Miley is Hannah?" I figured out that everyone was asking the same question later. It wasn't until Hannah cut her hair, started to take on really high notes - and sucking at it - and turning bad that I stopped watching the show, and being a Miley fan. I thought of Miley the same way every other young girl who watched the show thought: "Miley is such a cool girl! She's my age, she can sing, she's got an alter-ego... It rocks!" Unfortunately, I was extremely wrong about that.

This is one of the first photos of Miley that came out that started to change my mind about her. A Disney star should not be posing in a pulled-up t-shirt and tiny panties(not to mention that awful pucker face!). From there, it just went downhill. Miley decided that she was tired of being the young lady that she was and wanted to be an adult. To her, that meant becoming a slut. She started taking pictures like the one to the left, and more below.

Now, on to her music. Miley used to sound great. In my opinion, the highest note she should try to hit is the one she uses in the chorus to "The Best of Both Worlds". Instead, she decides to sound like a hyena on crack singing things like, "Nobody's Perfect" and "Can't Be Tamed".

I don't really have much more to say other than she isn't a very good role model - which you will plainly see with the next few pictures I put up - and she can't sing very well. I'll put a video up at the end of the blog showing just how bad she sounds. Sure, she can hit the notes, but just because someone can hit a high note, doesn't mean they sound good when they do it.

I guess that's it.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Selena Gomez has a horrible voice!

First of all, I would like to apologize for not blogging last night. I had the worst migraine I have ever had. It kept me up all night. But that isn't what I'm here to talk about. Selena Gomez is what I'm here to talk about. I don't have as much to say about her as I did about Taylor Swift. I mean, Selena isn't as bad as her. In fact, there are a lot of things I like about Selena. We can all agree that she is very beautiful. The only person I have ever known to not think that she is beautiful is my boyfriend. He said that she looks like a little girl and that's unattractive to him. I think he may have been overdoing it a little. What I'm here to say is that while Selena is pretty and has done a lot for charities, she does not deserve to be in a recording studio. She should focus on her acting career. When I first saw Selena Gomez on "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody", I didn't know her name, but I knew that she was pretty and that her acting needed a little work. In my own opinion, she was overacting. Then, I saw her on her own show, "Wizards of Waverly Place". I have only seen a few episodes of the show, and from what I can tell, it was nothing like I thought it would be. I happen to like witches, wizards, vampires, werewolves, anything supernatural...but that show makes a mockery of all of it. It makes it all kid-like, which is to be expected because it's on the Disney Channel, but I didn't think it would be that bad! I was fully convinced that Selena Gomez had no talent and should be taken out of show business. A couple weeks ago, I was at my local Redbox and saw that they had the movie "Monte Carlo" in it. So, being curious about what the hell it was about, I decided to check it out. Surprisingly, Gomez did a very good job in it. I hadn't seen any of her acting since I stopped watching the Disney Channel when I was younger, so I guess I hadn't put much thought into the fact that Selena could've worked on her acting and now she's actually good at it. She portrays two different people, one being a small-town girl saving up all her money to go to Paris, and the other a snobby rich girl who thinks of no one but herself. Two completely different people, right? Well, she pulled it off. At first, I didn't even know it was Selena who played the snobby girl. She did a really great job.

So, now you all know that I'm not a complete heartless bitch. Now, let's get on to the bashing! To the right you can see Selena singing her hit, "Love You Like A Love Song". If you haven't heard her music, I suggest you go to youtube and look up some of her songs. Then look up some of them live. Trust me, you will be able to hear a gigantic difference. The autotune her voice so much in the recording studio it's not even funny. She not only can't hit her high notes live, she can't hit her low notes either! It's an absolute train wreck! I can't see how she gets ANY awards ever! I get that some of her songs have a good message in them....well, I only know of one song that has a good message. "Who Says," has to be her best song, and it's only because of the message. I've heard her sing it live, and it's not terrible, but it's not great either. Like I said: no high notes, no low notes. If you would like to see for yourself, check out these two sites: and . The first one is obviously the music video and the second one is live. I can get that a lot of little girls would love Selena's music because it's upbeat and easy to dance to. I also know that Selena is very pretty, so of course little girls are going to want to look like her and act like her. What I don't get are all the teenagers - and even moms! - who are out there loving Selena's music. If you are going to like music, like music that is actually good, please. Also, if I could talk to Hollywood and everyone who makes people famous, I would have A LOT to say. Things like, "Please, please, please, pick singers who can actually sing! If they can sing on a CD, but can't sing live exactly like they sound on the CD, then they aren't really singers. Also, quit making people famous just because they're drop-dead-gorgeous. What does that do to every little girl out there who doesn't look like those famous girls?? It makes them insecure! So, stop!"

In the end, Selena really needs to quit her music career - because it's HORRIBLE - and she needs to focus more on her acting, which still needs a little work. Although it's pretty good, she should still work on her facial expressions. No one looks as though they are about to cry when surprised.
SELENA : Realize that your voice is not worthy enough of being on a CD. Pay attention to how bad you sound when you can't even hit notes that "you" do on your CD's. EVERYONE can hear it, it's just that your fans are just too blind by seeing you in person, and every other star out there doesn't want to say anything to hurt you or make them seem bad. Your acting is pretty alright, stick to that. I would love it if you would quit least live, that is. Lipsync if you must, but please just quit making us listen to your actual voice. =]


Monday, December 12, 2011

Taylor Swift is a no talent bi-atch!

Taylor Swift

If you don't know who this is, then you live in a cave. The picture above is of Taylor Swift, a now country star who is a "role model" for young girls. They love her, her music, her look, just about everything about her. Some of her big hits are: "Teardrops On My Guitar", "Our Song", "You Belong with Me", and "Love Story". If you have heard any of her songs, you know that they all have to do with love. In fact, a lot of them are the same thing over and over and over again. My mom and I have a joke that we like to share about Taylor Swift's songs: "They are all, 'I love him, and he loves her, but he should love me because we're supposed to be together! Oh, and I'm the girl-next-door, and she's the super-hot cheerleader... Blah, blah, blah!'"

That's the number one thing that I don't like about Taylor. Why is she getting all of these awards when her music sucks? Go to youtube, if you will, and listen to one of her songs. Then, look up her singing the song live, and listen to just how much they autotune her voice! I have the same problem with a couple of other stars that are big these days, but that is for another post. She has won over 90 awards for her songs, and it is all because little girls and dumb teenagers who still dream of love vote for her. Yes, I believe in love, too, but I have some common sense when it comes to love. If a guy is really interested in me, he won't play games with me like all of the guys in Swift's songs do with her.
The picture above of Taylor is after she became famous. As we all know, famous people go through a lot of work to look pretty for the cameras. This is another one of my problems with Taylor Swift. I have seen a lot of other stars without their makeup, and they look just a pretty naturally as they do artificially. Swift, on the other hand, is not. Check this out:
This is Taylor before she was famous. Notice how bad her hair looks without all the work? I can see why she was ashamed of her locks then and not now. Do you think all the guys who think she is so pretty would still think that if she looked like this all the time? I don't think they would. So, it annoys me when people go around saying that Taylor Swift is so beautiful. She isn't really. It's the makeup that is beautiful.
A lot of people will say, "It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, it's what's on the inside that counts!". Yeah, I get that, and it brings me to my next point: Taylor Swift isn't as goody-goody as everyone thinks. There have been remarks about Taylor and Miley Cyrus(another star I can't stand) bashing other stars behind their backs. This makes perfect sense to me, actually. Taylor is a growing star, and with all that worship that she's getting from her fans it makes sense that she would let it get to her head. Bitchy girls who think they are better than everyone tend to do things like that. She and Miley said things about Katy Perry's dress being ugly at an awards show and Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens being an annoying couple. Her video bashing Joe Jonas doesn't help her case, either. Here's the link: . She is referencing her breakup with him in the video. Apparently, Joe called Taylor and broke up with her in a 23 second phone call. Okay, I get that that can suck, but get over yourself! She got plenty of publicity when it happened, and a lot of hosts that had her on shows and stuff saying, "Poor Taylor!" all over the place.
So, now let's get into her song-bashing. It's said that Joe broke up with Taylor for Camilla Belle, an actress who has played in movies such as: "When a Stanger Calls" and "Push". If Swift was such a goody-goody why would she write a song insulting Camilla? Especially when it wasn't even Camilla who did anything to her! It was Joe! Here are just a couple of lyrics from the song: "She's not a saint, and she's not what you think. She's an actress, whoa. She's better known for the things that she does on the mattress, whoa." Bitchy much? Also, she bashed John Mayer in her song, "Dear John". She says at one point of the song, "You are an expert at sorry and keeping lines blurry. Never impressed me by acing your tests. All the girls that you've run dry have tired, lifeless eyes 'cause you've burn them out." Wow. I'm sorry, but a "role model" for young girls should not be bashing people publicly. What does it teach? That when you get your heart broken, it doesn't matter how bad you hurt the other people, even if it wasn't their fault. Camilla didn't deserve to be bashed. It was Joe who broke up with Taylor for her. Camilla didn't do anything wrong. Even so, Joe didn't deserve to be bashed because he liked someone more than Taylor.
Now onto an interview I heard. After the Kanye West incident - and yes, I do think that he was wrong in stealing Taylor's spotlight. I mean, c'mon, let out your opinion during your own interview - Taylor was asked by a radio host about how she felt. She told him she didn't want to talk about it. Okay, I get that...if she was any other person! She is a celebrity. That means that everyone saw what happened. People are going to want to know things about it, and it is her job to answer her fans questions. She stated that she had already gone on "The View" and talked about the incident, and that she didn't want to talk about it anymore. The host then told her that he didn't watch that show, and that most of her fans probably don't either. She didn't care. So, the host goes on to ask her a different question about it, and she won't answer that one either. She eventually gets what I presume to be her mother on the phone to tell them that she doesn't want to talk about it. The woman says that there was supposed to be a paper sent out to all the radio shows Taylor would be on that day saying that they were not to ask questions about that incident. The host tells her that he doesn't take orders about what he can and can't ask during an interview. Then they tell the host when he asks if he could say bye to Taylor that she is already talking to another station. He then hangs up on the woman. Okay, he may have been a little harsh there, but he was pissed. I mean, she should've just talked about it and not been a drama queen about it. He pointed out that the other stations were going to ask the same questions, and that it was good publicity for her because she was the hero in the story, which is true! So, in my opinion, she isn't ready for the attention that she is getting, unless she's the one who initiates it.
Sorry to all you Taylorbots(as Taylor Swift fans are called) out there. Say what you will, it doesn't matter to me. I do hope that I have opened at least a few eyes out there. Kids, my message to you is not to be like Taylor Swift. Listen to her music if you want to, but don't hurt other people on purpose, even if they hurt you. It's not right.
I know that a lot of people will say that I am a hypocrite because I am hurting Taylor on purpose, but really? What are the chances that she will ever see this? But just in case she does: Taylor, please realize that the things you do effect every single fan you have out there, and change some of the things you do. Stop centering your albums around love, we're all tired of it. Talk about something like having fun with your girls, partying, I don't know...God, maybe. Just quit with the repetitive mumbo-jumbo. Sorry for being so harsh, but c'mon!



Hello, and welcome to my blog!

I am here just to rant about the stupid things in today's American trends, customs, and...well, like my title says, just everything. Anything that I find really dumb, really. I hope you enjoy it. After all, this is just for fun, and to help my frustration.
If you like something or someone that I happen to insult, please don't take it to heart. I do not mean to insult you. Feel free to comment about whatever you want, I don't mind.
In the end, I just want some people to have fun reading my posts and find a place to rant where my loved ones won't tell me to "just shut up already"! Lol. If you can't tell already, I tend to rant and talk a lot.

~Oblivious (Ironic, eh?)