Monday, December 12, 2011

Taylor Swift is a no talent bi-atch!

Taylor Swift

If you don't know who this is, then you live in a cave. The picture above is of Taylor Swift, a now country star who is a "role model" for young girls. They love her, her music, her look, just about everything about her. Some of her big hits are: "Teardrops On My Guitar", "Our Song", "You Belong with Me", and "Love Story". If you have heard any of her songs, you know that they all have to do with love. In fact, a lot of them are the same thing over and over and over again. My mom and I have a joke that we like to share about Taylor Swift's songs: "They are all, 'I love him, and he loves her, but he should love me because we're supposed to be together! Oh, and I'm the girl-next-door, and she's the super-hot cheerleader... Blah, blah, blah!'"

That's the number one thing that I don't like about Taylor. Why is she getting all of these awards when her music sucks? Go to youtube, if you will, and listen to one of her songs. Then, look up her singing the song live, and listen to just how much they autotune her voice! I have the same problem with a couple of other stars that are big these days, but that is for another post. She has won over 90 awards for her songs, and it is all because little girls and dumb teenagers who still dream of love vote for her. Yes, I believe in love, too, but I have some common sense when it comes to love. If a guy is really interested in me, he won't play games with me like all of the guys in Swift's songs do with her.
The picture above of Taylor is after she became famous. As we all know, famous people go through a lot of work to look pretty for the cameras. This is another one of my problems with Taylor Swift. I have seen a lot of other stars without their makeup, and they look just a pretty naturally as they do artificially. Swift, on the other hand, is not. Check this out:
This is Taylor before she was famous. Notice how bad her hair looks without all the work? I can see why she was ashamed of her locks then and not now. Do you think all the guys who think she is so pretty would still think that if she looked like this all the time? I don't think they would. So, it annoys me when people go around saying that Taylor Swift is so beautiful. She isn't really. It's the makeup that is beautiful.
A lot of people will say, "It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, it's what's on the inside that counts!". Yeah, I get that, and it brings me to my next point: Taylor Swift isn't as goody-goody as everyone thinks. There have been remarks about Taylor and Miley Cyrus(another star I can't stand) bashing other stars behind their backs. This makes perfect sense to me, actually. Taylor is a growing star, and with all that worship that she's getting from her fans it makes sense that she would let it get to her head. Bitchy girls who think they are better than everyone tend to do things like that. She and Miley said things about Katy Perry's dress being ugly at an awards show and Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens being an annoying couple. Her video bashing Joe Jonas doesn't help her case, either. Here's the link: . She is referencing her breakup with him in the video. Apparently, Joe called Taylor and broke up with her in a 23 second phone call. Okay, I get that that can suck, but get over yourself! She got plenty of publicity when it happened, and a lot of hosts that had her on shows and stuff saying, "Poor Taylor!" all over the place.
So, now let's get into her song-bashing. It's said that Joe broke up with Taylor for Camilla Belle, an actress who has played in movies such as: "When a Stanger Calls" and "Push". If Swift was such a goody-goody why would she write a song insulting Camilla? Especially when it wasn't even Camilla who did anything to her! It was Joe! Here are just a couple of lyrics from the song: "She's not a saint, and she's not what you think. She's an actress, whoa. She's better known for the things that she does on the mattress, whoa." Bitchy much? Also, she bashed John Mayer in her song, "Dear John". She says at one point of the song, "You are an expert at sorry and keeping lines blurry. Never impressed me by acing your tests. All the girls that you've run dry have tired, lifeless eyes 'cause you've burn them out." Wow. I'm sorry, but a "role model" for young girls should not be bashing people publicly. What does it teach? That when you get your heart broken, it doesn't matter how bad you hurt the other people, even if it wasn't their fault. Camilla didn't deserve to be bashed. It was Joe who broke up with Taylor for her. Camilla didn't do anything wrong. Even so, Joe didn't deserve to be bashed because he liked someone more than Taylor.
Now onto an interview I heard. After the Kanye West incident - and yes, I do think that he was wrong in stealing Taylor's spotlight. I mean, c'mon, let out your opinion during your own interview - Taylor was asked by a radio host about how she felt. She told him she didn't want to talk about it. Okay, I get that...if she was any other person! She is a celebrity. That means that everyone saw what happened. People are going to want to know things about it, and it is her job to answer her fans questions. She stated that she had already gone on "The View" and talked about the incident, and that she didn't want to talk about it anymore. The host then told her that he didn't watch that show, and that most of her fans probably don't either. She didn't care. So, the host goes on to ask her a different question about it, and she won't answer that one either. She eventually gets what I presume to be her mother on the phone to tell them that she doesn't want to talk about it. The woman says that there was supposed to be a paper sent out to all the radio shows Taylor would be on that day saying that they were not to ask questions about that incident. The host tells her that he doesn't take orders about what he can and can't ask during an interview. Then they tell the host when he asks if he could say bye to Taylor that she is already talking to another station. He then hangs up on the woman. Okay, he may have been a little harsh there, but he was pissed. I mean, she should've just talked about it and not been a drama queen about it. He pointed out that the other stations were going to ask the same questions, and that it was good publicity for her because she was the hero in the story, which is true! So, in my opinion, she isn't ready for the attention that she is getting, unless she's the one who initiates it.
Sorry to all you Taylorbots(as Taylor Swift fans are called) out there. Say what you will, it doesn't matter to me. I do hope that I have opened at least a few eyes out there. Kids, my message to you is not to be like Taylor Swift. Listen to her music if you want to, but don't hurt other people on purpose, even if they hurt you. It's not right.
I know that a lot of people will say that I am a hypocrite because I am hurting Taylor on purpose, but really? What are the chances that she will ever see this? But just in case she does: Taylor, please realize that the things you do effect every single fan you have out there, and change some of the things you do. Stop centering your albums around love, we're all tired of it. Talk about something like having fun with your girls, partying, I don't know...God, maybe. Just quit with the repetitive mumbo-jumbo. Sorry for being so harsh, but c'mon!


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